Trending Apps, Music, Movies & Audio Books

trending apps, music, movies and audio books

Top Hat

Top Hat 1935-08-30 08:00:00 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers star in this classic musical romance of two lovers kept apart by a case of mistaken identity. Vacationing in London, Dale Tremont (Rogers) is awakened by Jerry Travers (Astaire) working out his new dance routine in the hotel room above hers.…

Top Secret!

Top Secret! 2002-07-16 07:00:00 The second of Zucker-Abraham-Zucker’s theatrical-feature spoofs (Airplane was the first, discounting the patchwork Kentucky Fried Movie), Top Secret! lampoons practically every film genre. Specifically, however, this is a hybrid of an “Elvis” movie and a World War II “underground resistance” thriller. In his film debut, Val…

Top Five

Top Five 2014-12-10 08:00:00 Pulsing with the rhythm of his greatest stand-up, Chris Rock’s TOP FIVE takes things to the next level, reveling in the high and the low, and blending a star-studded comedic romp with an irresistible romance. TOP FIVE digs under the surface of show business, politics, rap,…

Top Gun

1986-05-12 07:00:00 Watch Movie Preview Trailer here A hip, heart-pounding combination of action, music and incredible aerial photography helped make Top Gun the blockbuster hit of 1986. Top Gun takes a look at the danger and excitement that awaits every pilot at the Navy’s prestigious fighter weapons school. Tom Cruise…
