Watch Duty: Wildfire Maps – Sherwood Forestry Service, Inc.

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Watch Duty: Wildfire Maps

Sherwood Forestry Service, Inc.

Genre: News

Release Date: August 10, 2021

Watch Duty is the only wildfire mapping and alert app powered by real people giving you real-time information vetted by trained professionals, not robots. All other apps rely on only government alerts which can be hours late or flat out non-existent.

Watch Duty is run by active and retired firefighters, dispatchers, first responders, and reporters who monitor radio scanners in your area around the clock to bring you up-to-the-minute life saving information.

Wildfire tracking features:
– Push notifications about nearby wildfires and ongoing firefighting efforts
– Real-time updates as conditions change
– Active fire perimeters and progress
– Infrared satellite hotspot from VIIRS and MODIS
– Wind speed and direction
– Evacuation orders & shelter information
– Historical wildfire perimeters
– Street and satellite maps
– Air attack and air tanker flight tracker
– Saved locations on the map

Watch Duty is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that will always provide an unparalleled FREE service at no cost, forever. Our maps and alerting will always remain free but if you become a member for $25/year you will receive special features as a token of our appreciation. Your membership dues will support our free service for all and remain free of advertising or sponsorship.

If you’d like to drop us a line, learn more, or ask questions you can reach us anytime at We’d love to hear from you.

© © 2023 Sherwood Forestry Service, a 501(c)(3) organization

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